Thanks to generous gifts from the Strosacker Foundation and Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation, relief efforts awarded through the COVID-19 Relief Fund established at Midland Area Community Foundation have more ability to assist friends and neighbors in need.
The Strosacker Foundation’s Board of Trustees have generously opted to support the COVID-19 Individual Relief Fund, where over $500,000 in $500 prepaid debit cards have been awarded to individuals in Midland County who have had their livelihood directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to the Strosacker Foudation’s contribution, all currently approved grant requests can be fulfilled. Grant requests were funneled through Salvation Army of Midland and distributed at Greater Midland Community Center.
“Our Trustees are happy to provide relief to our community in these ever-changing times,” said Kimberlee Baczewski, Executive Vice President of the Strosacker Foundation. “Thank you to all who are collaborating with these important efforts and thank you to MACF for all you do for our community.”
“We are so grateful for the generosity of our community in responding to the needs of those impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. We want to thank the Strosacker Foundation for their kind gift to the COVID-19 efforts,” said President and CEO of the Midland Area Community Foundation, Sharon Mortensen. “In addition, we extend our thanks to the Gerstacker Foundation for providing an additional $50,000 to match gifts from individuals in our community.”
In addition to Strosacker Foundation’s support, the Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation has opted to offer $50,000 in matching funds to contributions to the COVID-19 Relief Fund. The Relief Fund originated with $250,000 in matching funds, but thanks to community contributions, donations have since eclipsed that mark. This thoughtful contribution from the Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation will allow for continued amplification of your gifts.
Lisa Gerstacker, President of the Gerstacker Foundation and Bill Schuette, Executive Vice President of the Gerstacker Foundation, stated that, “We are delighted to help and lend a hand. In these tough times, we hope that our matching gift will encourage even more contributions throughout the Midland Community. “
Thus far, over $1million in COVID-19 relief has been pledged and distributed by Midland Area Community Foundation, community partners, and community members through three separate COVID-19 oriented funds. The funds are designed to assist individuals, small businesses, and nonprofits through the guidance of the Midland County COVID-19 Coalition. Led by the Midland Area Community Foundation and United Way of Midland County, the Coalition has launched a COVID-19 online resource hub for Midland County with guidance on how to get involved in the fight against the impacts of COVID-19, as well as community resources. Visit midlandrelief.org for more information.
The mission of the Midland Area Community Foundation is, “To provide philanthropic leadership to strengthen our community by fostering collaboration and giving today and in the future.” To give to the aforementioned funds, visit midlandfoundation.org or call (989) 839-9661.