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Midland public health group to provide community update with current health survey underway

Led by the Midland County Health and Human Services Council (HHSC), a collaborative group of more than 35 organizations from all sectors of the community, are targeting physical and mental health gaps in Midland County. Considering the pandemic, the group has effectively adapted strategies to address community needs. These efforts are part of the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), initially launched in early 2016.

The HHSC of Midland County invites the public to join them for a virtual update of the CHIP efforts on Wednesday, January 26 at 9:30 AM. The informational meeting will be held via Zoom and will focus on community health. Community leaders will present successes and challenges in the four priority areas: later life quality, substance abuse, healthy weight, and mental health. Dr. Catherine Bodnar, Medical Director for the Midland County Health Department, will provide remarks on the impact of the pandemic and the path forward.

This report comes while the HHSC conducts a community health survey working with Saginaw Valley State University. Past HHSC Chair Sarah Kile states, “The purpose of the survey is to understand the health and health-related needs of people living in Midland County. Information from the survey will be used by the Health and Human Services Council of Midland County to develop ways to address the needs of its residents.”

“Working in collaboration is the best way to move the needle on health issues in our community,” said Sharon Mortensen, Chair of the Committee working on the Community Health Improvement Plan and President & CEO of the Midland Area Community Foundation. “As we reach the sixth year of the CHIP, we’re excited to share some of the projects and programs that have come out of this collaboration.”

The CHIP was developed using data from various local and national sources, such as the Midland County Dashboard, county health rankings, behavioral risk factor surveys, data from MidMichigan Health, and others.

“The Community Health Improvement Plan is vital to our economic, social, physical, and emotional community wellbeing,” said Dr. Catherine Bodnar, Medical Director for the Midland County Health Department. “I encourage anyone to attend and learn about the progress we’ve made and what’s being done in Midland County, even amid the pandemic.”

To be a part of the update, go to to add the event to your calendar, or access the event directly at 9:30 AM January 26 via Zoom at

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