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The Barb Smith Suicide Response and Resource Network Awarded $13,800 Grant from The Big Give of Midland County

Suicide rates have steadily increased in the United States since 2000 according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention and although it’s unclear if the COVID-19 pandemic will result in an increase in suicide, the isolation and restricted access to health care resources during the pandemic increase the risk factors.

The Barb Smith Suicide Response and Resource Network provides prevention training, response services such assisting law enforcement in informing families of a suicide and ongoing support services to survivors of suicide. The Network is recognized at the state and national level for training individuals in suicide prevention and for the role played in aftercare for those who have been impacted by suicide.

The $13,800 grant, made possible by The Big Give, will expand the network’s ability to train more community members to work with at-risk populations. The funding specifically supports expansion of the programs “Suicide Alertness Training (SAFETALK)” and “Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST).” Both programs involve recognizing signs, engaging someone and either identifying resources or providing skilled intervention.

The Big Give is a giving circle representing more than 100 men from the greater Midland area who are dedicated to helping local nonprofit agencies. To date, over $240,000 has been donated to Midland County nonprofits through The Big Give. The fund is held at the Midland Area Community Foundation. The Foundation has been investing in the community by creating a way for individuals, families, businesses and organizations to contribute to community well-being for 45 years.

The Big Give is always welcoming new members to increase their ability to support nonprofits in need. To learn more about The Big Give, visit

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