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Midland Area Community Foundation assists in bringing “Art Plays” 2020 Piano Project to Midland

The Midland Area Community Foundation (MACF) is continuing a partnership with several groups to bring a new public art project to Midland through the Public Arts Midland initiative.

Public Arts Midland believes that art connects, heals, inspires, teaches and speaks to us in myriad ways that build stronger and more vibrant communities. Public Art gives our community a collective voice and a way to express our values while it brings awareness of and beauty to both the physical and cultural landscape of our city.

The Art Plays Piano Project will feature full size upright pianos to paint. After completion, pianos will be placed around the City of Midland beginning on June 4th,. During the time in which pianos are on display, volunteers will make sure piano art is covered and maintained.

“Art is truly a unique way to build community,” said Midland Area Community Foundation Director of Community Impact, Alysia Christy. “This project is a fun and interactive way to get the community involved in public art.”

Community artists and school groups are encouraged to participate in the Art Plays Piano Project. Individuals and groups who wish to make a piano their own personal art piece should be from the Great Lakes Bay Region. All pianos will be painted at the former Express location, near the Food Court within the Midland Mall. In order to apply, artists are asked to submit a written and an artistic rendering proposal of what their finished piano will look like.

In addition to the pieces created by artists and groups, the community is actively encouraged to make themselves a part of the project through a community piano which will be placed at the former Express location in the Midland Mall. The piano will be available to be painted on by mall patrons and community members.


“We want to encourage community involvement with this project. The Midland Area Community Foundation believes in projects that enrich our community for all,” said Christy.

The deadline for entries is April 1st. In order to apply, artists and groups are asked to send their proposal to Submissions may also be delivered in person at MACF. The Midland Public Arts Committee will review submissions on April 8th. Selected artists will be notified via email of their selection.

According to MACF, the idea behind the Art Plays Piano Project is to inspire the community to play, create and connect our generations by engaging in art.

“We want to get as many local artist involved as possible,” said Christy. “Public art provides another medium for our community to express their collective voice and values while providing an opportunity for community members and visitors to experience the beauty and cultural landscape of our city.

For more information about the Art Plays Piano Project, “like” and “follow” the Public Arts Midland and Midland Area Community Foundation Facebook pages.

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