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MAYAC recognizes that students come from diverse backgrounds, have different learning styles, and can benefit from creative learning opportunities. MAYAC would like to provide educators with a funding opportunity to develop and implement instructional projects to motivate and challenge students to learn.  Proposals should be unique classroom projects that enliven and enrich the curriculum. Projects are encouraged to be interdisciplinary, active-learning lessons and reinforce learning through simulation or applied to real-life situations.

Funding Level: Up to $500 per educator

Eligibility: All Midland County preschool through grade 12 educators from public schools and non-public schools will be eligible to apply. While more than one grant may be submitted, only one grant will be awarded per educator per academic year. Note that all projects must be completed in the current academic year.

Evaluation Process: The Midland Area Youth Action Council will review requests most months during the school year. Requests are due by the 15th of the month.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Impact: Potential to improve student achievement; potential for continuation and/or replication; potential to enhance instructional skills
  • Innovation: Creativity of project; innovative approach; academic objective within curriculum context
  • Planning: Clear plan for project implementation; teacher capability; cost effectiveness and realistic budget;
  • Existing Resources: Funding will not supplant existing funding – project cannot be achieved with existing school budget

Excluded Projects: Mini-grant applications will not be considered for facility renovation, religious activities or teachings, equipment that is not an integral part of the project, non-academic projects or trips out of this county unless a similar experience cannot be provided within the Great Lakes Bay Region.

Required Reporting:   Unused funds must be returned to the Foundation at the end of the rolling calendar year in which the grant was awarded.

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