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The CommunityGives Youth Service Program is supported by The Dow Chemical Company and the Midland Area Community Foundation as an opportunity for K-12 teams, clubs or groups (sports, band, robotics, etc) in Midland County to earn funding for team needs through volunteerism. Grants are up to $1,000 and are competitive.  Please note that this submission – if approved – is considered your contract.

That being said, you should make tentative arrangements with a local charitable organization for your volunteer project before you apply.  Remember, your project should provide at least 10 youth with a combined time of at least 50 hours of time spent, and must take place within 12 weeks following the application deadline. Applications are accepted quarterly (January 15, April 15, July 15 & October 15).  You should receive an e-mail confirming receipt of your application.

Your Final Reports, to be completed after you receive approval for your application and complete your proposed project, should reflect the same information provided here:  volunteer project, number of K-12 Volunteers, etc.  To assist your preparation for submitting your Final Report, a copy of this application will be sent to the e-mail address you submit.

Eligible Groups must be:

Made up of youth in the K-12 Age Range (Minimum of 10 youth volunteers; Note that adult mentor hours DO NOT count toward the 50 hour minimum)
Located in Midland County and comprised of predominantly Midland County residents
Affiliated with a 501c3 or a school district

The form is not published.
